2nd annual meeting of the NanoWorldMaps consortium 2020
A half-day online meeting of the NanoWorldMaps consortium was held on 4th November 2020 in order to exchange scientific experience with large-area high-speed and high-resolution imaging, to discuss a governance structure for the consortium, to develop links with existing European Research Infrastructure facilities, and to consider future funding opportunities. Scientific presentations covered the use of correlative microscopy for brain tissue imaging, multimodal imaging applied to materials science and in the life sciences, the use of x-ray microscopy in three dimensions to provide context for other imaging techniques, how microplastics can be located and identified in tissue, and the potential of European super-computing networks for large volume image analysis.
The meeting was attended by over 30 people, and provided an opportunity for new members to present their activities and plans. At the time of writing, over a dozen research groups have signed letters of intent supporting the goals of the NanoWorldMaps consortium, and we have begun to collect a ‚Memorandum of Understanding‘ from the leading institutions.